Oct 4, 2021 22:59:31 GMT
Post by Admin on Oct 4, 2021 22:59:31 GMT
1. Life coaching is partnering with a 'client' to help them maximize their personal and professional potential, unlike that of a consultant who's hired to give advice on a specific skill set, a life coach if more focused on releasing the potential of client to better utilize whatever skill sets they already have, be they a pilot or a baseball player or even a dancer, a life coach is simply there to help client release or to recognize and or possibly release barriers they've placed in their own path. And it's also a 'relationship' that coach and client form with one in other, and with that relationship comes a level of 'trust', which is needed in order for client to be more at ease with their coach. I think of athletics, if I hire a personal athletic coach, I'm hiring them to help release potential already in me that maybe I don't know how to utilize, I'm not, repeat, NOT hiring a athletic coach to diagnose any mental issues they think I may have, or to council me about my relationship with 'partner' ect, a life coach is not a therapist or Psychiatrist, a coach is not there to diagnose and then treat behavioral issues.
Oct 4, 2021 23:20:15 GMT
Post by Admin on Oct 4, 2021 23:20:15 GMT
It's to easy for me to rely on the words of others, so I'm going to 'drift' a bit and use my own words to describe characteristics that define Life Coaching as a Profession.
Let's say the client is a car, in this case a Porsche, but for whatever reason this car, this Porsche never shifts out or or above 2nd gear. Now we all know that Porches are some of the best fastest production vehicles, but for some reason my client, the Porsche, has it in their mind they're a 1972 Ford Pinto (not that there's anything wrong with 1972 Ford Pintos). Let me add this, deep down inside they do know they're a Porsche, and realize they do have greater potential above 2nd gear, after all that's why they sought out a life coach. So as a coach I feel it's my job to help this Porsche realize they're a Porsche, and through self examinations, questions, exercises, give them the 'tools', self awareness, confidence to go ahead and shift into 3rd gear.
So I guess, using my own words, instead of the words of others, I guess some characteristics of the coaching profession are 1. Encouraging, or Encouragement 2. Nurturing 3. Confidence building 4. Listener and observer Number 4 is really key to it all, for if you don't listen to client you'll lead them down your path, instead of theirs.
Oct 4, 2021 23:51:10 GMT
Post by Admin on Oct 4, 2021 23:51:10 GMT
Again I want to use my own words which may not be as scholarly as the words used in these lesson plans.
I don't think coaches should have 'egos' (Well we all have egos to a certain degree, but during sessions that ego should in no way spill out or effect relationship with client) Unlike athletics, a life coach is not there to 'win for self', while simply using client as a tool towards self gratification. So I guess I'd have to say one quality to an outstanding coach would have to be humility, as a coach you must have humility. Another quality, of course, is patience, a coach has to have patience, and can't sit there looking at the clock on the wall and wondering when his client will finally 'get it', for to me they will 'get it' when you've done your job well....and even then even if they don't 'get it', the way you think they should have, well that's when quality 3 comes into place which is 'temperament', a stable and even keeled one that is. For although Coach may think he's studying the client, what coaches need to realize is the whole time your client is studying you right back, coaches should never forget that. A coaches temperament will, in my opinion, greatly effect how client relates to you, how at ease they are with you, a drill Sergeant temperament vs a friend or their own inner voice. A coach is not a drill Sergeant (something they could add to the course list of what coaches are not, believe me I know as a Former Navy personal) But at the same time, again using my own words, a coach cannot be to overly mushy, for after all a coach is hired, services utilized to help 'correct' or guide one on a desired path, not to just agree, for the sake of agreeing, client sought out a coach for a reason, if all were fine in their life they would not have sought out a coach, so a coach shouldn't be afraid to show a little 'tough love', but in appropriate ways, cause in the end, when client sees results, that's what they'll thank you for. A few more qualities a outstanding coach may have are 1. Acuteness, awareness 2, Keen 3. Patience 4. A desire to help 5. Humor (Yes, in my opinion even a bit of humor can go a long way in putting others at ease, I know humor or sense of humor is not a fancy word, but can be effective none the less) 6. Loving - I know that sounds a bit Corny, and 'story book', but yes, Love and kindness towards others is a quality Life coaches should have. 7. Flexible or malleable, meaning not overly rigid, if one method doesn't work, so what, try another, that's also where not having a ego comes into play. 8. Organized - To be a coach you must be organized, I mean it's one thing if own life not organized, but when it comes to client, being organized is of the utmost importance, meaning being able to keep track of sessions and progress of client. And I'll stop there, but could go on, basically just be a decent person.
Oct 6, 2021 0:34:42 GMT
Post by Admin on Oct 6, 2021 0:34:42 GMT
Notes, blah blah blah
Positive phycology?
Forgive me for drifting back into terminology I know and use, but must to keep this course and experience real for me, and those I may deal with in the future. After going over lesson plan, or module, and doing other digging and researching, to me, positive phycology is simply mental endurance, optimistic stamina, for those of us more on the street level.
I see it all the time on the streets, people surviving the worst of conditions, catastrophes, tragedies, and hardships, yet at the end of the day still have a smile. I've learned such types are able to separate external random events from 'who they are as a person'...examples
1. Car runs out of gas on way to work, they needed to be to work on time to give presentation to help boost company's standing...oops. Positive phycology is what allows person to not come down to hard on self.
2. Person riding bike to work, on the way tire goes flat, and on top of that it begins to rain...positive phycology is what allows them to get through the day and that moment without coming down to hard on self.
Phycology is a study of the human mind and it's functions, as such, most who understand the human mind understand that as humans, we do tend to dwell on the negative. 99 things could go right in a day, but what we focus on at night, while laying in bed, is that one person who flipped us off as exiting freeway.
Positive phycology simply puts that event into a more positive perspective.
I know I'm not using scholarly terminology, but the people I want to life coach, well, nor do they.
A lot of every day average people already utilize positive phycology and don't even know it, it's called mental resilience, and it's very common out here on the streets, or I should say on the street level.
I will email you soon and tell you specifically the type of folks I want to 'help', it's a niche that may shock you.
Oct 8, 2021 0:21:11 GMT
Post by Admin on Oct 8, 2021 0:21:11 GMT
5 capacities that will influence your connection
1. Identifying Patterns and Habits in their life, these are the things we tend to do automatically without much thought.
(On a personal note, and in my own life, I've long recognized when we make something a habit, it becomes a breeze, as in working out, until working out becomes a habit, it can feel very disruptive)
But that can work both ways, in that we can have destructive habits in our life that get in the way, or take up energy, of more constructive 'things', we or client could desire, but instead energy spend on destructive habits instead. A life coach should be able to observe which patterns and habits exist in the life of their client through skillful questioning and listening.
2. Skills, or I prefer 'skill set', a specific set of learned tech skills needed to perform a specific job or activity.
Capabilities, on the other hand, according to lesson plan, are qualities that can be developed as in 'patients', or learning to be less bias towards others, and so forth.
3. Focus, or focusing
A couch should be able to help bring clarity to clients desires and ambitions
4. Mindset, to me, is kind of like a mental pattern or mental habit, which in the end doe effect physical outcome, so it's important to get to know the clients mindset. Attitude, to me, effects the mindset of someone, attitude kind of directs the mindset over time. And as a LC, it's important to make the client aware of both, in a way that makes them think to self 'Oh, OK..hmm'
5. Energy
Oh so very important, because energy is the bottom line to it all. Desire is like electricity of the mind, or thoughts, but energy is the voltage that actually makes it occur.
Example, a client may want to climb Mount Everett one weekend, but then 3 days after that pass their bar exam, and 1 week after that take pilot lessons, all while age 77 and recovering from cancer, that's just not very realistic. (extreme example there) As a couch, according to lesson plan, I need to take all this into consideration and workout a realistic solution, rather than lie to client and tell them what I think they want to hear.
Just want to close this question by saying in real life, getting to know someone makes conversations way more fluid than static answers in a quiz. And I know the grader of this quiz knows that. Answers on a quiz tend to sound very static and absolute, but real life is anything but absolute.
Oct 8, 2021 1:00:21 GMT
Post by Admin on Oct 8, 2021 1:00:21 GMT
six Q
1. Set the foundation
2. Co create the relationship
3. Communicate effectively
4. Facilitate learning and results
Each one of these competencies has a sub set of more detailed explanations.
8 Core coaching competencies
1. Active listening, for if you don't listen, you don't hear, and if don't hear, than you're blind. (in relation to ability to help others)
2. Creating awareness, or alertness, in my own words, often times I'll drive down a street, for years, but suddenly one day notice a house or pond or some other part of the scenery I've never noticed before, now apply that to coaching.
3. Conforming to professional standards and meeting ethical guidelines, not sure I can add much to that as being former Navy, and graduate of criminal justice academy years ago (although that career path never panned out), and just being a all around decent person, I get standards, and have them whether at work or not. Don't get me wrong, I'm not square, just saying though trust is something you never violate in another.
4. Provide a supporting coaching presence, I've trained before in my current field, and the first thing you must do, I did, intuitively, was to provide a 'comfort zone' of safety, when in my presence, not an excuse to do wrong, but a zone of safety and support, as such I totally agree with this competency as it applies to life coaching.
5. Appropriate in depth questioning and effective communication - People actually like it when you pay attention to them, I know I do, and questioning someone, in order to help them, really can pay off in the end for all parties.
6. Developing actions, goal setting and planning - Everything above and below this really mean nothing if in the end progress or change, measurable change isn't created for the client.
7. Develop a coaching agreement - A understanding, or a understanding of expectations prior to the session, this is very important also, for many reasons.
8. Developing a relationship of intimacy and trust with the client - Of course, but again not to mushy of one, for again, as said in earlier response to another question, in the end the client doesn't want you to be overly mushy, they do want results after all, or would not have sought
Oct 10, 2021 14:57:44 GMT
Post by Admin on Oct 10, 2021 14:57:44 GMT
1. Positive emotions
2. Engagement
3. Positive relationships
4. Meaning
5. Accomplishment
Two areas of PERMA
1. Altruism - (a new word for me) which is the desire to help others simply cause you want to and not cause you feel obligated to
2. Vitality, and I agree with statement in lesson plan in that 'Health is key to enjoying wealth'...that is so true, me personally, I'd rather have good health, and be income poor, than to be income rich and be in bad health.
Oct 10, 2021 15:28:21 GMT
Post by Admin on Oct 10, 2021 15:28:21 GMT
A. Personal Competence
1. Self Awareness - The ability to accurately perceive your own emotions, or mental state of being 2. Self Management - Using awareness of self to positively effect your behavior
B. Social Competence
3. Social Awareness - Your ability to accurately perceive the emotions of others to better understand what's going on.
4. Relationship Management - When you use awareness of your emotions, and others, to manage interactions in a successful manner.
Oct 10, 2021 15:53:09 GMT
Post by Admin on Oct 10, 2021 15:53:09 GMT
1. Know yourself
2. Choose yourself (the ability to manage your feelings, thoughts and actions, I find this one to be the most profound)
3. Give yourself
Oct 10, 2021 16:18:03 GMT
Post by Admin on Oct 10, 2021 16:18:03 GMT
1. A clients readiness to take action and or to bring about desired changes. In Navy boot camp, many show up out of shape, but the fact that they enlisted says they or we, were willing to do whatever it took to get in shape, even though it wasn't always easy, we all had a willingness or 'readiness' to participate in exercises that would facilitate our own desired outcome.
2. Are internal or external conditions right?, to include physical or social environment, physical health, maybe even mental health On a side note, correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel, let's take me for example
The conditions in my life right now might not be ripe for opening a charter airplane business (fantasy and dream lol), but maybe if I sought out a life coach, what they can possible do for me is get me in the right mindset so that mentally I'm on the starting block to that dream, unhampered by my own negative habits.
3. The Coaches essence, his/her ability to bring it all together in an effective manner, applying all things learned during certification process, going out of their way to look up and learn other tools of the trade that can better help them understand their role, which in turn helps their client.
Oct 10, 2021 16:46:50 GMT
Post by Admin on Oct 10, 2021 16:46:50 GMT
Primal needs
1. Certainty and Stability - In my own life when things are certain and stabile, I'm much more calm, relaxed, which then allows for more creative side of self to emerge
2. Uncertainty and Variety - To much certainty can = boredom is some, is why you often have very well to do people climbing Mt Everest or bungy Jumping off a bridge, to kind of bring back some thrill into their life. Also 'variety', is what makes people want to explore, to travel, and no TV show demonstrates this better than the opening monologue to Star Trek' 'To go where no men have gone before', and this applies to our personal lives as well, just look at Elon Musk?, and all these real life Captain Kirks who are now funding their own journey's into space.
3. Significance - Who doesn't want to matter?, even our pets want to matter, we often understand this about our pets but many of us fail to apply this to our fellow human beings.
4. Connection - When listening to the lesson, what stood out to me big time was when instructor said the following 'We all want to bond with others, and we'll either bond with love or bond with fear'..(or something like that), but that really stood out to me big time. It's kind of the same as wanting attention, we see this in muffins all the time, if the muffin can't get parents affection through love, than same muffin may learn to 'act out' in a bad way to get attention, maybe not positive attention, but attention none the less, and I see this play out in adults all the time, everyone will pretty much ignore you when good and doing everything right, but some learn that when they act up, now the world hears about them, the press, ect.
Now the two spiritual needs
5. Growth - As instructor pointed out, everything in the Universe is either growing or dying and that there is no 'stand still' middle ground, now some life cycles are so slow that it can seem as if standing still, but in reality it's either growing or dying, even if to slow for us to measure. And so if not growing, than we are dying, either literally or metaphorically, and is why so many adopt hobbies, side projects, and so forth, we all need a growth outlet and if not given that outlet on job than people will seek or create that outlet outside of work. A job may limit you to just being a 9-5 cashier, where as once off that job, same person may enjoy being a comedian at a club, or volunteer fire fighter.
6. Contributions - Presidential libraries are created by ex Presidents cause they want society, the world, to forever know what they feel in their minds that they were able to contribute to society while in office. I think we'd all build our own personal libraries if could, to allow others to know that we were here, and while here we mattered, and we mattered because we contributed to society. Or one a football team, every single player wants to feel that they contributed to their team winning, even the water boy on the sidelines would like to convince self that even they had a role in their victory by keeping the players hydrated
Oct 10, 2021 17:08:22 GMT
Post by Admin on Oct 10, 2021 17:08:22 GMT
In my own words
Values, hmm, one could write a whole book on this topic
To me, there's good values and or bad values, not all values have to be good or positive, is what I've learned while on their Earth and observing things, people, habits, styles, behaviors, history, society and more.
If asked the same question of say the 'Hells Angels' biker gang, I'm sure they'd have a different set of values than myself.
So for me, values are a set of principles I live by that effects my behavior towards self, others around me, and even animals.
There's a subset of principles up under my value system.
1 Principle 1 - Don't steal, rob or hurt others 2. Principle 2 - Live and let live 3. Principle 3 - Don't litter or pollute environment
And I could go on and on, but each principle effects my behavior, which effects those around me, including animals.
I tend to think I have a positive value system loosely based on the Judeo/ Christian model of behavior as I understand it.
But then again, Judeo/ Christian behavior or mindset of 400 years ago would be foreign to many living today, horrific in some cases. Again, this 'What are values' can get very complicated fast and require a whole book to write and examine.
Also, I think values can be very self serving, either on a individual level or on a nationalistic level, for one person or nations 'value' could be another person or nations oppression. Whatever we 'value', our behavior around that value or set of values, is effected by that belief. Wars are fought over 'values', but also Charities and acts of good will are also created out of 'Values'.
Bottom line, what we value effects our behavior and attitude towards self and those around us, whether in a positive or negative manner.
Oct 10, 2021 17:52:59 GMT
Post by Admin on Oct 10, 2021 17:52:59 GMT
My ideal client, wow, again I could write a whole book on this with chapters and all, but will keep it short.
I feel a bit guilty even answering this, like answering 'what is your ideal date'
I feel it's a bit self serving for me to answer, but will try to anyways with a short back story or a few.
Long ago I helped train people how to drive 18 wheeler trucks, in my mind I'd always have the 'ideal student' I wanted, based on this or based on that, in that would have to spend weeks together at a time in a large sleeper truck. Well oddly enough, (And I'm just being honest here about this), non of the students initially fit my visual of what I thought my ideal student should look, think and sound like, that aside, fast forward, and by end of training session a relationship was formed, trust, and many of the things listed in this course, that blossomed into a successful student moving on who was now more confident and capable to go on to achieve greater things. How can I put this? Whatever type of student I thought I wanted didn't matter at the end of our training, cause at the end of the training such a bond had been formed with them, and them with me, that I realized with the right attitude, mental tools, maturity and value system, I could work with anyone. And I'm sure it's a two way street, in that initially they probably thought (or some) 'Gee, I was hoping for a better looking instructor or a this instructor or a that instructor, but in the end they got me, and I got them, and it worked.
And it's kind of the same way with life , I suppose, in that if I tell myself the kind of ideal client I think I want, I feel like it's self serving, for no one will ever fit my 'ideal anything', and to create this mental computer model in my head of the perfect client who responds perfectly to my suggestions and does everything 'right', to make 'me' shine, well I'm just not comfortable with that. I'm unbias, so for me there is no ideal client, all I can hope to be is their ideal Life Coach by implementing and applying all the principles I've learned in this course and through further reading and studying on my own.
I don't need any ideal client, rather I simply need to be the best within my own capabilities to better help them achieve their objective.
I'm very malleable
Jun 12, 2024 16:06:19 GMT
Post by Admin on Jun 12, 2024 16:06:19 GMT
Random next plot or scene notes
Introduce a cop villain or bounty hunter
2 weeks pass, then....
Next scene, they're having dinner with Dave and Karen.
Next scene, they're walking down country roadway and get harassed.
Next scene, antagonist at store shopping and get's arrested for shoplifting.
Next scene, antagonist finds work, a job.
Jun 12, 2024 16:17:50 GMT
Post by Admin on Jun 12, 2024 16:17:50 GMT
Next day
____ is out in yard doing yard work, they're on the phone talking to a friend about their relationship, future plans, ect.
What are those next plans?
Job, moving out, college or school?
Should story continue to evolve around dynamic relationship or should something else, an outside threat be introduced?
In yard
go to dinner
on drive down street notice R flag...
on the way back, get American flag...
The city, and culture around them kind of becomes the secondary antagonist